How to cancel Audible Membership in 2023?

Audible is a subscription-based service offered by Audible, an Amazon-owned platform specializing in audiobooks and audio entertainment.

With an Audible membership, subscribers gain access to a vast library of audiobooks, original podcasts, guided wellness programs, and other audio content.

Depending on the membership plan, subscribers receive a certain number of monthly credits, which can be used to purchase and download audiobooks of their choice from Audible’s extensive catalog.

If you’re bored with your audiobook collection and are considering putting your Audible subscription on hold until you have more time.

Then, here’s a simple guide on how to cancel your Audible Membership online in 2023.

How to cancel Audible Membership in 2023?

If you’re considering canceling your Audible Membership, whether it’s due to a change in your audiobook habits or simply exploring new options, rest assured that the process is quite straightforward.

Below, we’ll guide you through the various ways you can cancel your Audible Membership.

Cancel audible membership | Credit: Entrepreneur Mommie

Cancel Audible Membership on Audible

1. Sign In: Begin by logging into your Audible/Amazon account.

2. Access Your Account: In the top navigation of the page, position your cursor over your username.

3. Select “Account Details”: A dropdown menu will appear. From there, click on “Account Details.”

4. Click “Cancel Membership”: Within the Account Details page, locate and select the “Cancel membership” link.

5. Confirmation Prompt: Once you’ve clicked the cancellation link, a prompt will appear asking you to confirm your cancellation decision.

6. Continue to Cancel: To proceed with the cancellation, select “Continue.” This confirms your choice to cancel your membership.

7. Confirmation Email: Following the cancellation process, you will receive an email confirming the cancellation. This ensures you have a record of your membership status change.

Cancel Audible Membership on Google Play

1. Open the Google Play Store on your desktop computer or device.

2. Click on your profile icon located in the upper right corner.

3. From the dropdown menu, select “Payments and subscriptions.”

4. Locate “Audible” in the list of subscriptions and click on it.

5. Click on “Manage” and then select “Cancel subscription.”

Cancel Audible Membership on Apple App Store

1. Open the Apple App Store on your iOS device or access it through your device’s Settings.

2. If using the App Store app, click on your profile icon in the top right. If using Settings, scroll down and tap on your name.

3. Choose “Subscriptions” from the menu.

4. Find “Audible” in the list and select it.

5. Click on “Cancel Subscription”.

If the option to “Cancel Subscription” is not visible, your membership has already been canceled and won’t be renewed.

Cancel Audible Membership via customer support

For those who prefer a bit more personalized assistance or encounter any issues, the Audible customer support team is at your service:

1. Visit Audible’s Help Center: Navigate to Audible’s official website and locate their Help Center or Contact Us section.

2. Choose “Membership and Account”: Within the contact options, select the category that pertains to membership and account inquiries.

3. Indicate “Cancellation”: Clearly communicate your intention to cancel your membership. Look for an option that directly addresses membership cancellation.

4. Select Your Contact Method: Audible offers various ways to get in touch, such as email, chat, or phone. Choose your preferred method.

5. Follow Support Guidance: Once in contact with the support team, they’ll guide you through the cancellation process, providing assistance and addressing any questions you might have.

What do Audible membership plans include?

An Audible membership offers a range of exclusive advantages that enhance your listening journey. The benefits differ based on your chosen membership plan.

Audible Premium Plus Membership 1 credit$16.45/month1 Credit
Audible Premium Plus Membership 2 credits$27.45/month2 Credits
Audible Premium Plus Annual Membership 12 credits$164.50/year12 Credits
Audible Premium Plus Annual Membership 24 credits  $274.60/year  24Credits

Choices for a Free Audible Trial and Paid Membership

If you’re new to Audible, consider the free route first. Experience Audible at no cost by signing up for their complimentary trial.

We’ll guide you through the process of enrolling in the trial and outline your choices for maintaining your membership once the free period ends.

You can explore Audible risk-free for 30 days and enjoy access to its full range of features and benefits. Membership advantages include a vast audiobook library, personalized listening experiences, and exclusive member discounts and offers.

This trial period offers an opportunity to fully comprehend the service and determine if it aligns with your expectations.

Transitioning to a paid plan enables you to continue your Audible membership post-trial. Audible offers a variety of membership plans to suit the preferences of different readers. These options include monthly and yearly subscriptions.

For greater flexibility in payment frequency and amounts, the monthly plan is an ideal choice. By paying a consistent monthly fee, you unlock access to Audible’s extensive audiobook collection and receive a monthly credit to use for purchasing an audiobook.

Additionally, as a loyal subscriber, you’ll enjoy a 30% discount on any additional audiobook purchases.

Opting for the yearly subscription plan can prove more cost-effective for heavy Audible users or those planning to listen to multiple audiobooks each month.

Moreover, the annual plan leads to cost savings. When you sign up for an annual membership, you receive 12 credits upfront, allowing you to purchase 12 audiobooks at your convenience throughout the year.

You also benefit from the same 30% discount on subsequent audiobook purchases as offered by the regular plan.

Regardless of the membership plan you choose, you’ll enjoy the same quality and benefits of an Audible subscription.

In addition to receiving complimentary Audiobook Originals, other perks include the ability to adjust narration speed and sync your reading progress across multiple devices.


Can I still purchase audiobooks after I cancel my audible membership?

Yes, Even after canceling your Audible membership, you can still purchase audiobooks on Audible or Amazon. Keep in mind that without a membership, you’ll be paying the full retail price for audiobooks.
While you won’t have access to membership benefits like monthly credits or the Plus Catalog, you can still buy audiobooks at regular prices. Membership perks such as exclusive deals and access to special sales won’t be available once the membership is canceled.

Will my audiobooks disappear after I cancel my audible membership?

When you cancel your Audible membership, the audiobooks you acquire using credits or credit cards will not vanish. These purchased titles are permanently yours and can be downloaded on various devices. While you can remove audiobooks from a specific device, they will remain in your online Library.
Even if you decide to cancel your Audible membership, your account remains functional. Consequently, the audiobooks you’ve bought will continue to be available on all devices where you listen.

How can I halt payments to Audible?

When you cancel your subscription, you won’t be charged in the upcoming billing cycle.

Can I rejoin Audible after Canceling?

Yes, after canceling, you have the option to rejoin Audible at any membership tier. However, it’s important to note that any unused credits from your previous membership won’t carry over. For more details about the rejoining period, you can refer to this information.

Is it possible to temporarily pause my Audible membership instead of canceling it?

Absolutely, both Plus and Premium Plus members can suspend their accounts once per year for a maximum of three months. Additional details are available here.

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