Step-by-Step to Cancel InShape Membership

InShape is a Health Club that operates on a chain model of business has 45 centers and is ranked among the top 20 health club companies in the United States.

They offer a variety of amenities and activities, such as kickboxing classes, Zumba classes, group working classes, and others. They have equipment for cardio, swimming pools, massage chairs, and beds.

The reviews of their studios are mostly influenced by their locale. To a greater extent, they have provided a good service, but in locations with high crowd movements, they have failed to meet expectations.

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How to cancel InShape Membership?

You can cancel your InShape membership at any time, Inshape has provided 3 ways to cancel your Membership.

  • Cancel Via Email
  • Cancel Via Inshape App
  • Cancel By In-Person

If the above methods do not work for you then simply visit your GYM and ask for your membership cancellation. You have to wait 30 days for your request to be addressed.

Cancel Membership via Mobile application

  1. Log in to your Inshape account from mobile.
  2. Tap on your “Profile
  3. Go to the “Manage Membership” section
  4. Click on the “Cancel Membership” tab.
  5. Follow the prompts and confirm your cancellation.

Cancel Membership via phone

This is the most preferred and most prescribed method by the company itself to cancel your Membership.

  • Call InShape customer service at 831-476-7373.
  • Request their representative to cancel your Membership.
  • Prepare to give all your details along with your reason for canceling.
  • Confirm your date of cancellation.

You call them to book an appointment with them in-store to cancel your membership by visiting them.

Cancel your Membership via Mail.

  • You can mail them at their address: In-Shape Member Services, 6507 Pacific Ave., #344, Stockton, CA 95207, or their email address: [email protected]
  • Send a short and clear email requesting that you cancel your membership.
  • Wait for the email confirmation.
  • Make sure to check your mail time and time again, or you can confirm by calling them.

You can use their free trials to check if you are a good fit or not.

Cancellation Policy

No matter how you decide to cancel your membership, you will have to pay for the next 30 days to confirm your cancellation.

Moreover, you are requested to keep your written documents in a safe place so that they can act as evidence in case of disputes.

Do they provide a refund upon cancellation?

Generally, there is no provision for refunds as any payment made is neither transferable nor refundable.

If you are moving out of your current location and moving to a place where there are no Health Clubs, you can explain your situation and request a refund.

Common Reasons for Cancellation

These are the main reasons why people cancel their Membership:

  1. Not using enough
  2. Lack of motivation to workout
  3. Difficult to manage time
  4. Unable to pay
  5. Moving out
  6. Health issues

How to Contact Customer Support?

You can always visit the website at “” or call the company’s customer service department at 831-476-7373. You can visit them at 6507 Pacific Ave #344, Stockton, CA 95207.

Official website
Phone Number831-476-7373
Email[email protected]
Contact Details of InShape


What types of memberships do they offer?

They offer multiple levels of membership. They are based on your requirements.

Do they offer personal training?

Yes, InShape offers personal training. They help you plan out your day, and diet and can be very useful.

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