How To Cancel Labour Party Membership Online 2023

Don’t want to continue your Labour Party Membership. Then you can easily cancel your labor party membership anytime, anywhere.

Here’s the ultimate guide to Canceling Labour Party Membership in just 2 minutes. 

Labour Party is a political party in the UK established on February 27 1900 with an agenda of improving the status of the working class. People join political parties with a common belief and purpose.

But now, according to this article, the party has lost around 1,70,000 members since 2018. 

People join political parties as they share common agendas and philosophies, However, the agendas and philosophies of political parties do not remain the same over time.

So, If you believe that Labour Party is not functioning as it should, You can consider canceling your labor party membership online with these quick and easy steps.

Best Methods To Cancel Labour Party Membership in 2023 

The party has various provisions for its members through which they can  cancel Labour Party  Membership :

  1. Membership resignation form
  2. Emails
  3. Phone Call

Membership Resignation Form

Labour Party members can directly cancel their party membership by filling out the membership resignation form available on the official website.

Here’s how you can do that.

  1.  Select the membership resignation form from the contact us section of the website
  2.  State your reasons for leaving the party ( you can choose not to)
  3.  Enter your name, email address,, and membership number
  4. Confirm your resignation and click on submit.

This will initiate your cancellation process, and you shall receive your cancellation confirmation via email.

Info Box

There is another easy way to cancel your membership in 1 step; however, it takes some time to process. You can do this by canceling your direct debit to the party. This way, you will initiate the cancellation process, and after some timeframe, the party will automatically cancel your membership.

Cancel through Email

You can also cancel your Labour Party Membership through email. To cancel your membership, you will need to email the Labour Party Membership team at [email protected]

Send them a cancellation notice of the membership, and they will reach out to you with the necessary steps.

Cancel via Phone Call

In case you want to cancel it through a phone call.

You can contact the membership team at 0044-345-092-2299.

A team member will then guide you through the necessary steps for the cancellation process.

Notice Title

You will still remain a member until the party cancels your membership, but you can neither cast votes nor stand for election at this timeframe.

But what if I’m a Labour Party International Member?

Labour Party offers international memberships for residents of the UK who are currently located outside the country. If you’re one of them. You can easily cancel your Labour Party International Membership online by reaching out to the Labour International Membership Officer.

You can email the Labour International Membership officer at clearly mentioning your willingness to cancel the Labour Party Membership. The officer will then respond back to you with the details of the cancellation procedure.


What happens If I miss out on my membership payment?

You will still be a member of the party for some time, but if you fail to clear your arrears on the final remainder, your membership will be canceled.

Is there a cancellation fee?

Since there is no information about the cancellation fees on the official website. We can assume the cancellation fees to be 0.

If I return to the UK, will I still be a Labour International Member?

If you return to the UK, you will no longer be an International Member, but you can still be a party member by transferring to your local UK CLP branch.

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